
Kent Golf Limited

Club Development Grant 

Who can apply?

All golf clubs affiliated to Kent Golf Ltd as long as they are SafeGolf accredited, and affiliation fees are up to date. The criteria and conditions in place will need to be adhered to.

Purpose/What is it for?

The grant aims to support clubs in one of the following categories: health & safety or communications. The grant is not to intended to be used for elite golf.

Consideration must be given to ensure that the outcome of this grant should be for the benefit of Members.

Ideas of what the grant can be used for:

Health & safety: Shared single seater buggy, defibrillator, disabled toilet facilities…

Communications: Website improvements, new entry terminals, notice boards, honours boards…

Kent Golf want to ensure that clubs can claim the maximum grant possible, so it is absolutely fine to apply for a grant covering more than one category as long as a separate application is made for each and it doesn’t exceed the maximum limit. Clubs may also apply for lesser amounts if the proposed projects cost less than the maximum limit.

What the grant can’t be used for?

The grant is not intended to be used for elite golf which is well served in other ways.

How much can my club claim?

Up to £1,000 per club.

Process - how to apply

All affiliated Kent clubs can apply for the grant using the online application form below.  Please note that a separate application is required for each category. 

You will be required to state the purpose of the funds in each of the required categories. If the grant is approved, you will receive official notification from 

Clubs should wait to find if their application has been successful before committing funds.

Invoices for the projects should be submitted to Kent Golf Ltd for reimbursement. Additional documentation may be requested if necessary. Clubs will be asked to provide some narrative and photo evidence showing the impact of the grant before funds are paid out. We would like to publicise the grant and to help other clubs with ideas as to how to spend the funds. We will use these photos and stories for our social media channels.


The deadline date for applying for the grant is 31st December 2022. All grant applications will be reviewed on a timely basis and the club will be notified via email shortly after confirming whether the application has been successful or not.

The selection/assessment process

Grant applications will be assessed against the specified categories and consideration will be given to those spends that will benefit the majority of members and are considered fair. There are three people who have volunteered on the selection panel with a diverse range of experience to ensure that grants are awarded in a consistent manner.

Pauline Burrow: Chair of subcommittee - Kent Golf Finance Committee and member of The Wildernesse GC

James Cornish: Ex Chart Hills Golf Manager and consultant

Nancy O’Connor: Member of Sundridge Park GC

Only if required, a final decision on the grant may be referred to the Kent Golf Finance Committee.

Further information

For further assistance or queries, contact

>> See our Club Development Grant success stories

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