Fantastic result for Mason Essam (Dartford) finishing 2nd (-8) in the Alps Tour Final in Italy and earning the 2024 Alps Tour card!
We are all very proud of you. Congratulations!
"English amateur Mason Essam, who was in the lead since the beginning of the event, concludes the tournament in 2nd place with a three-day total of 8 under-par. He is 24 years old and represents Dartford Golf Club. Essam qualified to compete in this week’s event after finishing 6th at the Stage 1 Qualifier held at Terre dei Consoli Golf Club. After his round, Essam explained that he plans on “definitely turning professional now, I did what I came here to do, which is nice. However, when you’re in contention, you want to win, so a bit hard feeling for that, but overall, I played well today and just didn’t hole enough putts. Clearly, Giovanni played really well, so can’t complain.” He added that during this off-season, he will “keep seeing my new coach, who I just started working with, and trying to make a steady progression and get my head down in February to try to get a win early on.” Essam went on to comment that he found: “The wind was completely the opposite today compared to yesterday. I played much better today compared to yesterday, so I can’t really say whether it was easier or not, but I definitely think so of the harder holes played fairer today, and the easier holes played normal.”