
Kent Golf Limited

Kent girls win the Junior County Match Week 2022!

Date published: 10 Aug 2022

Congratulations to our Kent Junior Girls Team on winning Junior County Match Week 2022!

After a roller coaster of a week with matches being won and lost, Kent needed to win 4½ in this morning's match against Hampshire. Ellena, Ellie and Skye all had good wins which left the rest of the team to bring another 1½ points at the back of the field, when Lily halved her match and Anouk won on the 17th, it was clear the 'trophy came home'!

The final results table is: Kent had 19½ matches won, Hampshire 18½, Surrey 17, Middesex 9 and Sussex 8½. Individual match results can be found here.

A very big well done and thank you to Tita McCart (County Captain), Cheryl Power (Junior Girls Team Manager), Judith Halliday (Junior Girls Support Group Manager), Chris Lohan (County President) and Jane Marr, Ken Hannah, Angela Jones, Peter Long and David Hannam for refereeing, Hannah Eves (Assistant to the County Secretary) and Anne Wheble (Golf Manager) both managing the Competition Office during the 4 hot days, the coaches Steve Mitchell, Tim Milford and coach Mark Trow, who helped with the practice rounds, as well as Lucie Moxham who took the officcial photographs on Sunday and Wednesday and everyone else who has put so much into a successful Junior County Week.

Kings Hill Golf Club was a fantastic venue and hosts and made us feel very welcome, and the golf course even after the lack of rain was immaculate. Thank you.

And last but not least thank you to all the other teams this week, the matches were played in a good spirit and the atmosphere was great since the practice day on Sunday throughout, what a fantastic experience and memories for the girls & our future stars!

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Kent - Junior County Match Week winners 2022

Kent - Junior Girls County Match Week winners 2022


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