As a company limited by guarantee, Kent Golf Limited is by the Companies Acts to comply with a number of statutory obligations. As a private limited company, Kent Golf is not required by that legislation to hold an annual general meeting or, indeed, any general meeting. However, the Articles of Association of the Company provide that an annual general meeting is to be held in each calendar year to transact certain administrative business. These are: to receive from the Board the Company's financial statements, to receive a report of the activities of the Company since the previous annual general meeting, to receive a report from the President and Lady President (which will usually cover golfing activities), as and when appropriate to appoint a President or Lady President in place of such persons retiring, where candidates are proposed, to appoint Vice-Presidents, to elect the Elected Directors in place of those retiring or to fill vacancies and to transact such other business as may be brought before it. Notice is sent to all affiliated clubs, each of which is a Voting Member of the Company, such that those clubs can either send a representative to the AGM or submit a proxy form in order to exercise its voting rights. The Company permits associate members to attend the meeting, but these individuals do not have voting rights.
Kent Golf holds regular meetings for delegates, club managers and junior organisers in order to gain feedback on golfing matters.
The minutes of past AGMs and Board Meetings can be seen at Kent Golf minutes .
The 2024 Annual General Meeting is scheduled to be held at Mid Kent Golf Club on Thursday 5 September at 10.00am. Notice will be issued to member Clubs in August together with any supporting documents.
At the 2024 AGM, two Elected Directors are due to retire having each served a three year term. Whilst one Director, Dave Mabbott, has advised he will not be standing again, the other, Alan Austin, has offered himself for re-election. Therefore a Director role will become vacant at the AGM. A nomination form for Directors has been sent to all Club Managers/Secretaries.
We continue to actively seek a female County Captain to act in the capacity of Women's First Team Manager. By virtue of the role, the County Captain becomes a Non-Elected Director during their three year term. If any of your members would like to be put forward for this prestigious position, please contact Sarah McDonald, the County Secretary and she can provide further details and a Job Description.
Please note that the closing date for nominations is Monday 29July 2024.