
Kent Golf Limited

Autumn Secretary Conference


This year's Autumn Secretary Conference will be held on Thursday 28 November at The Darenth GC, Station Road, Shoreham, Kent. Approximate timings 9.30am for 10.00am to finish at approximately 5.00pm with a light buffet lunch and refreshments throughout the sessions.

There will be two main subjects on which colleagues from England Golf will be presenting - the morning session will cover their sustainability programme and the afternoon session will focus on disciplinary matters. Further details of each presentation can be found further down.

This year, we would like to extend the invitation to the Conference not only to Secretaries/General Managers but to your Course Manager/Head Greenkeeper, Chair of Greens, and anyone else involved with the ecological side of your golf course. They are most welcome to stay for the afternoon session, but I appreciate that the subject matter may not tie in with their everyday activities and so they are welcome to enjoy the light buffet lunch before departing should they wish.

Please pass this date and detail to the appropriate members of your team. If you have any queries/questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Owen James, Sustainability Manager, England Golf - Morning Session

E ngland Golf are now two years into their sustainability strategy, and have, after a period of reflection and prioritisation, focused their efforts onto three key areas: biodiversity, water and energy. We want to engage you in conversations about what you can do for sustainability, educate you about the opportunities you have to become more future-proof, and empower you to go away and take meaningful actions towards a sustainable future. We will spend time discussing the issues (and others too) in order to give you some actionable items to take away with you to your club, and help you to accelerate your progress. We will also be discussing some collective strategies, which may help Kent as a golfing county to showcase its hard work in sustainability.

Damion Greetham, Disciplinary Officer England Golf - Afternoon Session

Discussing the disciplinary process in general and resolution at both informal and formal levels. Top tips pertaining to investigations, common trends, both positive and negative, and ensuring early engagement to prevent long-term pain.


Morning Session - Sustainability
Afternoon Session - Disciplinary Matters
Drinks Reception



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