
Kent Golf Limited

How Do I Play for England?

Visit the England Golf website for more information.

This is an opportunity for players within our U18, U16 and U14 Boys, and Junior Girls Squads, who want to test themselves at a higher level. Visit the England Golf Talent Pathway page for more information.


  • Players should be under 18 years of age at midnight on 1 January in the year following their application. Typically, successful players are aged between the years of 12-17 at the point of recruitment, with their golfing development and ability considered relative to their age;
  • Players must have:
    • A competitive golfing CV and a complete and up to date Handicap record;
    • Qualification and desire to play for England Golf in the future;
    • A strong commitment and work ethic to fulfil their potential in golf;
    • Players contribute positively to the culture of the squad and the high standards of on and off course behaviour to be expected of a player representing England Golf;
    • Full commitment to the Regional Squad Programme at weekend and during school holidays for the following year (a maximum of 30 coaching and match days in total, with further mandatory sessions targeting physical development)

Players that apply for the Regional Coaching Programme who are 16 years of age at midnight on 1 September of the year of their application (having just sat their GCSE examinations and Year 11 school academic year) will automatically be considered for the Diploma in Sporting Excellence (DISE) qualification, provided they met the following additional criteria:

  • Players must have passed in Maths and English GCSE's (or equivalent) or demonstrate their commitment to be working towards these passes in the subsequent academic year as they continue in education;
  • Commitment to gathering the required evidence to qualify for an EDEXCEL Level 3 Diploma in Sporting Excellence


1. Complete the initial online application form which will become available on this page once applications open in July and close in August.

2. Once applications have closed in August, you will be allocated a region based on the county you represent. Download a breakdown of our ten England Golf Coaching Regions by County Union and/or Association in the document below. Applications will then be assessed by the relevant regional coach and manager.

3. You will then receive an email to confirm your application has either been successful or unsuccessful.

If your application has been successful, the email will detail your assessment date and venue. A document containing full dates and venues can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

4. As part of this invite, we require a little more information and a form will be contained within the email. We require all players and parents to sign up to and adhere to the England Golf code of conduct at this stage.

5. Have fun, work hard and engage with the staff and players at your assessment day.

6. Following the selection days;

a. You will receive an email to confirm if you have been unsuccessful in gaining a place on the regional squad. At this point you can request personal feedback to help you understand how you can look to progress over the coming months.

b. Alternatively, you will receive an email inviting you to join your relevant regional squad. Within the email will be a draft copy of the England Golf regional squad player agreement for both players and parents/guardians to review. We will provide a hard copy for you and your parents/guardians to sign at one of the first training sessions and DiSE players will be enrolled onto the programme with Loughborough College.

7. Embrace all the opportunities that are provided to you as part of the England Golf Regional Squad and, above all else, enjoy your golf!

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