
Kent Golf Limited


Kent Golf Approved Academy venues are:

You can apply to join any one of these Academies online (see the right hand side for individual Academy details if viewing on PC/laptop, or scroll to the bottom of the page on mobiles).

Beginner Course Structure:

Week 1 – Let’s Get the Ball Rolling (Putting)
Week 2 – Getting the Ball on the Green (Chipping)
Week 3 –  Getting the Ball in the Air (Pitching)
Week 4 – It’s all about Connection (Full Swing)
Week 5 – Putting it all Together
Week 6 - Fun Challenges

Each week we will also cover some golf terminology, etiquette and rules.

Please wear comfortable clothing and suitable footwear.

Cost is £60 per person.

To book in please fill out the registration form (mobile users scroll to the bottom) and make payment to the details provided.

If you have any question on the course please contact:

Nick - for courses at Chart Hills

Anna - for courses at The London Club

Gary - for courses at Stonelees

Ainee - for courses at Sundridge Park

>> Read the Women's Academy feedback



Beginners Course @ Chart Hills - Payment reference BCHATUE*SURNAME*
Beginners Course @ Stonelees - Payment reference BSTOSAT*SURNAME*
Follow on Course @ London Club - Payment reference FLONFRI*SURNAME*
Follow on Course @ Sundridge Park - Payment reference FSUNSAT*SURNAME*

PLEASE NOTE all courses cost £60 (for 6 sessions).

I undertake to pay the required fee of £60 (as explained above) by BACS transfer to Kent Golf Ltd, whose bank details appear below.

Account Name: Kent Golf Limited
Sort Code: 60-01-21
Account Number: 47871679
Payment Reference: Refer to the code next to your chosen Academy session above

e.g. Signing up Emma Jones for a Wednesday beginner course at London Club, the payment reference would be BLONWEDJONES


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