Click here to see the list of Kent Representatives.
This is an important role and the key objective is to help facilitate effective two-way communications between Kent Golf / England Golf and each Affiliated Golf Club in Kent.
To represent the Club's views at the County Representatives' meetings.
To be responsible for disseminating at the Club all County and England Golf correspondence.
In association with the Club Manager/Secretary.
Advise the County of changes of the name and contact details of the Kent Representative to enable continuity of communication.
Review all correspondence from Kent Golf and England Golf and establish that the key people at the Club are fully aware of this correspondence.
Attend County Representatives Meetings when called or, if unavailable, arrange for representation from the Club.
Attend and represent the views of their Club at the County Representatives meetings and vote on behalf of the Club, as required.
Report to their Club's members (by section or as a whole) on Kent Golf and England Golf matters.
If required, attend and/or assist at County and England Golf events held at their Club or in the County.
Encourage members to participate in County and England Golf events.
Liaise with their Club Manager/Secretary on all matters concerning the Club Members to ensure a clear message is communicated.
The Club Representative is appointed by the Club.
Ideally three years minimum, maximum five years.
At the discretion of the appointing Club.
If your club has no appointed Kent Representative, please discuss this with Kent Golf, as we are very keen to ensure that all Clubs are represented and receive regular information relating to County events, competitions, etc. Representatives can then share this information with their fellow members.
We are often asked if a Club should have a Representative from the Men's or Women's Section, or if it's possible for one Representative to represent both. In short, we do not mind, so long as there is someone happy to assume this role and ensure that information is forwarded to members to make them aware of what we do and the competitions we offer for all members, not just the elite.