
Kent Golf Limited

R&A Women in Golf Charter

2019 saw the launch of the R & A's Women in Golf Charter, supported by England Golf and other organisations from across the industry. Kent Golf set out its Charter commitments and signed up to them in June 2021 . A commitment to a more inclusive culture within golf.

On 8 July 2021 England Golf issued their press release announcing Kent Golf being fully signed up to The R&A's Women in Golf Charter demonstrating Kent Golf's total commitment to promoting female participation on and off the course. Read more here.

The Women in Golf Charter intends to inspire an industry-wide commitment to developing a more inclusive culture within golf around the world and enable more women and girls to flourish and maximise their potential at all levels of the sport.

Adoption of the Charter requires national federations and other golf bodies to build on and develop initiatives which will focus on encouraging more women and girls to play golf and stay within the sport as members of clubs, while also empowering women to enjoy successful careers working within the golf industry.


  • To encourage more women and girls to play the game and join clubs
  • To inspire more families to enjoy golf as a group leisure activity
  • To open up more opportunities for women to work within the golf industry
  • Develop an inclusive environment for women and girls within golf


Kent Golf is keen for its affiliated clubs to commit to the purposes of the Charter and sign up to it.  We want to work with our clubs to deliver on our commitments - we should have shared goals in this area. Please see here the list of Kent clubs, which have signed up.

A Club that signs up to the Charter can select as many commitments as it wants to. There needs to be tangible measures and timescales linked to each commitment to test success and these should be measured against some current, baseline statistics at the outset so that you can demonstrate the impact of becoming a Charter signatory.

There is a step-by-step guide for clubs to become a Charter signatory on the England Golf website

1. Download the toolkit 
2. Register your interest in becoming a Women in Golf Charter signatory via the online form on the  England Golf Website
3. Formulate your Club's commitments using templates your England Golf Club Support Officer will provide you with after you have registered. You can also use our step-by-step guide to assist your progress.
4. Share your draft with Kent's England Golf Club Support Officer, Allison Boozer, who will help finalise your charter.
5. Once completed, England Golf will send you a certificate and branding to demonstrate your Charter signatory status. Kent Golf will help you deliver on your targets as part of its own Charter commitments.

Click here to visit the England Golf Beginner's Guide.

If you have any feedback or questions, contact or

WIG Signed Up Clubs

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Women on Par

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