
Kent Golf Limited

Men's 1st Team

Kent Golf Men win the SEQ Group Qualifier 2023

2023 England Golf South Eastern Group Men's Qualifier winners. Read more.

Team Sponsor

Purpose & Aim Kent Golf Men's 1st Team. The target for this team is to win the EG National Finals. All elite players in the squad of approximately 12, play off scratch & better. The age group is predominately over 18.
Team Manager

Tony Adams

Team Coach
Benn Barham
Training & Coaching

The emphasis of the coaching for this squad is on the individual. We do not see the need for group coaching sessions at this elite level. The County Coach works on all aspects of the game with the individual but we have the opportunity to offer putting sessions with a specialist in James Skelton.

Drop-in sessions will be arranged again, in the evenings, at our ranges, once some sort of normality is regained. These sessions will be used to fine tune/socialise/discuss with the squad.

Matches & Competitons

As mentioned, the target is to win the National Finals. This comes about from winning the SEG Qualifier (6 Man). A 36-hole scratch medal competition between 11 Counties. Also, we play four other Counties in the SEG league. The target here is to win the league and then go on to win in the final.

We have a series of pre-season friendly matches in preparation. These are against other Counties and strong club scratch teams.

Get Involved Initial contact through the County Office via

Team Coaches

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Team Managers

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